目前分類:Oracle JDE (20)

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Oracle ERP JD Edward Fat client installation for new user step by step instruction

1. Oracle client installation

2. Oracle client DB configuration

3. Oracle JDE Local DB installation

4. Oracle JDE Fat Client new installation

Oracle update package management


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Packman Introduction

  1. 荷蘭 JDE 顧問公司開發並經由Oracle 官方認證在 JDE 9.0, 9.1及9.2版本, 且相容於 Application Release >=8.12及Tools Release >=8.95  的JDE 第三方解決方案。
  2. 全球共有超過25個國家250+JDE客戶採用 Packman 封裝派送自動化解決方案。
  3. ​可以指定要build/deploy到哪個Path Code及哪台Enterprise Server , deploy package 之前, 會自行檢查是否有UBE/APPL 物件正在執行 。
  4. 可以自行定義Full/ Update Package name的命名規則, 並且自行定義 deploy package 完成後, 專案自動修改狀態 。
  5. 可以設定deploy package 前, packman 可以將哪些程序終止 。
  6. 可自行定義發送email 通知清單及範本 。
  7. 可將之前以JDE標準build/deploy package 的資料納入Packman 管理 。
  8. 可以定期處理已不使用的舊 Full or Update Package, 釋放HD空間​ 。



JDE 標準程式開發流程


  1. CNC 管理人員每天花費了多少時間在處理程式的 assemble, build and deploy?
  2. 系統管理人員能夠確實掌握目前在OMW有多少個專案, 有多少個物件嗎?
  3. 是否曾思考過將每天重覆執行的過程, 交由系統排程的 Packman 自動化處理?
  4. 讓您把機械化的工作交由 Packman, 節省下的人力資源可以安排在做對企業更有價值的事。

JDE Packman 程式封裝及派送自動化


  1. 將紅色框的部份全部交由機器人 Packman 自動化處理。
  2. 我們可以在 deployment server 或是 Fat Client 設定系統排程自動執行 Packman Script。
  3. 當 Packman 執行完 assembly/build/deploy package 時, 會自動發電子郵件通知系統管理人員。

Packman 程式封裝派送自動化產品示範說明

Packman Dashboard – Package 管理畫面示範說明


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This is the first step in the configuration of Oracle JDE CNC work, the major work of JDE CNC implementation are based on this functional server


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su - oracle -c "/oracle/jde_home/SCFHA/bin/startAgent"
su - oracle -c "nohup sh /oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh > startNodeManager.log &"
su - oracle -c "nohup sh /oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/jdeportal/startWebLogic.sh - Dweblogic.management.username=weblogic -Dweblogic.management.password=oraclejde123 > wls_start.log &"

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The Enterprise/Logic server JDE.LOG log is full of thousands of lines the same message:

JDB9900999999 - System cache is full

What does this message mean and how can it be eliminated?

The error with "System cache is full" does not mean that it is from the JDE kernel or "system" code.  The error can come from any jdeCache usage, from Apps, BSFNs, and Tools code.  Any call to jdeCacheAdd() or JDECM_CacheAdd(), could result in a code path to the error.  The following are some issues that can cause this message in the log.  Note:  Some of the causes listed below do not have a direct solution.

Scenario 1:
The error could happen if the nTotalMemoryUsed starts at size zero, and the very first usage comes in with a negative nDataSize.  However, there is a test for nDataSize <= 0, which should log a different error.

Scenario 2:
The error could happen if the actual cache memory usage became larger than 2147483647, at which point the nTotalMemoryUsed would become a negative number. However, it would likely be a large negative number, and would not trigger the error until it was increased enough to be larger than -1000. The error could be created by having nDataSize of (2147483647 minus {1, or 2, or 3, ... through 499}). Adding the second record should trigger the error.

Scenario 3:
It can be caused if the previous cache memory was deleted (such as RBTREE_Delete()), and the nNodeDataSize was too large, or the function was called too many times, resulting in a negative nTotalMemoryUsed. This might happen if the nDataSize was not consistent, and data was added using different sizes, and that resulted in incorrect sizes being subtracted as records were dropped.

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We are unable to log-in to the Deployment Server.  The following Oracle database errors are shown in the JDE.LOG:

3708/3712 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jul 31 15:41:31.565000 Jdb_ctl.c3788
Starting OneWorld

3708/3712 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jul 31 15:41:49.799000 dbinitcn.c745
OCI0000374 - Failed to connect to the database instance

3708/3712 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jul 31 15:41:49.815000 dbinitcn.c750
OCI0000375 - Error - ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

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Here are the steps to change the status

1. Log into the JDEPLAN environment.
2. Begin to apply the ESU in attended mode.
3. When you receive the error on the Control Table Workbench screen, click the Solution Explorer icon on your task bar to return to the main screen.
4. In the fast path, enter GH961 and select Custom Installation Plan or navigate to: Foundation Systems|Tools|System Installation Tools|Custom Installation Plan (P98240).
5. Click FIND then look for the latest plan for your ESU. Each time you apply or attempt to apply a software update a new plan is created and appended with the next sequential number (e.g. JL123 - 3).
6. When you find the latest plan (i.e. the active one you are executing), expand it. Expand down through the trees to open Environments, then the environment (e.g. DV900), then Control Table Merges. Highlight on Control Table Merges and click the SELECT button.
7. Click in the row for the job you wish to change, e.g. R98800 for the Workflow Merge. Using the visual assist, change the Detail Status from 50 (Failed) to 60 (Installed) and click the SAVE button. Then close the form (you can click the SELECT button again to go back in to be sure your change was saved).
8. From the task bar, click on the task for the Software Updates application again to resume your installation.

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export JAVA_HOME=/oracle/jrockit
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
java -jar wls1036_generic.jar

1. Install a 64-bit JDK for your operating system, for example 1.6.0_18-b02 64-bit
2. Install Weblogic Server 10.3.3 (using the generic installer) and select the 64-bit JDK installed in step 1
3. Run RCU from 32-bit Linux GUI Console or Linux 32-bit NFS mount via X-Windows/VNC) or Windows 32-bit client
4. Install OBIEE11g, choosing the 'software-only' installation type.
5. Execute the Configuration Assistant to configure your installation.

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In the Enterprise Server JDE.INI, change the last line in the section below to equal 1 and your Scheduler Kernel should start when services come up.

numberOfAutoStartProcesses=0 ------------------------Change value to 1.

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1. Create a backup copy of the user security tables (the F98OWSEC andF98OWPU).
2. Create a backup copy of the JDE.INI file for the security server.
3. Have all EnterpriseOne users end their user sessions.
4. Stop all EnterpriseOne servers and JAS servers.
5. Do the following to change the password that is stored in the F98OWPU table for the security user.

  • Sign-on to the machine that runs the EnterpriseOne deployment server.
  • Comment out the “SecurityServer” setting in the “SECURITY” section of the JDE.INI file for the deployment server. Be sure to save the change.
  • Sign-on to the deployment server using the security user’s name and password.
  • Run the P98OWSEC application.
  • Click on the form exit button labeled “Add System User”.
  • Find and then select the security user in the “Work With System Users” form.
  • Update the password for the security user in the “System User Revisions” form.
  • Click on the “OK” button to save the change.
  • Exit out of EnterpriseOne.
  • Undo the change made in step b.

6. Have your database administrator change the password for the security user at the database level.
7. For all EnterpriseOne servers, update the following JDE.INI file settings so that they are set to the new password for the security user. If the “QPassword” setting
is missing, do not add it to the JDE.INI file.
Default Pwd=

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1. modify /etc/security/limits.con

add the following record

*   soft   noproc   11000

*   hard   noproc   11000

*   soft   nofile   4100

*   hard   nofile   4100

then restart sshd service

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

2. apply package libaio-devel-0.3.106

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1. A complete re-installation (including Weblogic Server and all FMW components installed) should be done since the WebLogic Server was not installed using the right arguments.

2. Once re-installation is completed check if the value of JAVA_USE_64BIT is now 'true'.

3. Run the 'opatch' command again

The following workaround could be used just for testing purposes but it must be known that any manual change to commEnv.sh script is not supported or certified.

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1. fat client: delete 6 files (dddict.ddb、dddict.xdb、ddtext.ddb、ddtext.xdb、glbltbl.ddb、glbltbl.xdb) in \DV900\SPEC for 3 environment
2. clear all web cache
3. enterprise server: delete 6 files (dddict.ddb、dddict.xdb、ddtext.ddb、ddtext.xdb、glbltbl.ddb、glbltbl.xdb) in \DV900\SPEC for 3 environment
4. truncate table F989998, F989999


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CNC Foundation & Terminology
[  ] Work with Environments
[  ] Work with Path Codes
[  ] Use Object Management Configuration
[  ] Create Data Sources
[  ] Explain Server Types
[  ] Describe User Overrides
[  ] Work with Printers
[  ] Work with Universal Table Browser / Data Broswer
[  ] Creating Scheduled Jobs with Scheduler
[  ] Describe Media Objects
[  ] Work with Server Jobs
[  ] Creating Job Queues
[  ] Managing Cross Reference Information

Object Management
[  ] Describe Object Storage
[  ] Object Types and Anatomy
[  ] Creating Projects
[  ] Explain Project Roles
[  ] Object Check Out/In/Get
[  ] Utilizing OMW Tokens
[  ] Defining Promtion/Lifecycle
[  ] Setting up Save/Restore in OMW
[  ] Interpreting OMW Logging
[  ] Setting up Object Management Configuration
[  ] Defining Activiy Rules
[  ] Explain Allowed Actions
[  ] Administering Data Dictionary Items
[  ] Descirbe Vocabularly Overrides
Package Management
[  ] Creating Full Packages
[  ] Creating Update Packages
[  ] Working with Package Features
[  ] Building a Client Package
[  ] Building a Server Package
[  ] Building an Update Package
[  ] Deploying a Full Package
[  ] Deploying an Update Package
[  ] Deploying a Server Package
[  ] Deploying to an HTML Server
[  ] Defining Multi-Tier Deployment
[  ] Explain Business Services Server Deployment
[  ] Working with Package History
[  ] Reviewing Package Build Log Files

[  ] Creating User Profiles
[  ] Working with Roles
[  ] Explain Role Sequencing
[  ] Explain Signon Security
[  ] Administering Passwords
[  ] Working with Security Workbench
[  ] Applying Application Security
[  ] Applying Action Security
[  ] Applying External Application Security
[  ] Applying Exit Security
[  ] Applying Processing Option Security
[  ] Applying Row Security
[  ] Applying Column Security
[  ] Applying Solution Explorer Security
[  ] Applying Tab Security
[  ] Applying Portal Security
[  ] Applying Security Model/Hierarchy
[  ] Applying OMW/OMC Security
[  ] Implementing Database Security
[  ] Implementing Enterprise Server Security
[  ] Implementing HTML Server Security
[  ] Implementing Deployment Server Security
[  ] Implementing Server Manager Security
[  ] Implementing Desktop Security
Install & Upgrade
[  ] Explain Minimal Technical Requirements
[  ] Executing a Deployment Server Installation
[  ] Executing a Platform Pack (Enterprise, Database) Server Installation
[  ] Executing a Server Manager Installation
[  ] Creating an HTML Server Instance
[  ] Creating a Business Services Server Instance
[  ] Creating a Transaction Server Instance
[  ] Installing Portal Server
[  ] Installing a Development Client
[  ] Creating an Installation/Upgrade Plan
[  ] Running the Installation/Upgrade Workbench
[  ] Describe Application Upgrades (ex. Xe->E9.0)
[  ] Describe Electronic Software Updates
[  ] Explain Application Updates (ex. E9.0 Update 1)
[  ] Implementing Tools Updates (ex. 8.98.3)
[  ] Using Change Assistant
[  ] Describe the Post Install/Upgrade Steps
[  ] Installing and Configuring Peoplebooks
[  ] Installing Additional Languages
[  ] Running EnterpriseOne Services
[  ] Executing Porttest
[  ]
[  ] Implementing Oracle Business Accelerators

Architecture, Performance and Troubleshooting
[  ] Explain JDE Middleware
[  ] Explain the Different JDE Platforms
[  ] Explain Oracle VM Templates
[  ] Implementing JDE in a Multi-Foundation Environment
[  ] Describe the JDE Kernels
[  ] Troubleshooting with Server Manager
[  ] Using Resource Manager
[  ] Explain JDE Clustering
[  ] Implementing Single Sign On with JDE
[  ] Explain JDE Data Replication
[  ] Explain JDE Backup Schemas
[  ] Explain JDE Subsystems

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Enablement 2.0 Boot Camps "jump start" your skills by providing hands-on foundational experience to get you started on the path to successful deployment, to get faster ROI, and to adapt more quickly to changes in your business environment.

What will we cover

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Installation & CNC Implementation Boot Camp is a five-day training to educate and make Oracle Partners aware of Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Installation process and provide an overview of CNC through this Essentials training program. Partners attending the boot camp will gain valuable insight into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Installation and system management features and functions.

This boot camp will cover the following topics:

  • Enterprise One Server Installations
  • EnterpriseOne Update
  • CNC Concepts
  • Package Build
  • PeopleBooks (Helps) Installation
  • Oracle Business Accelerator Applying
  • Language Installation

Who should attend

The intended audience for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Installation & CNC Implementation Boot Camp is Oracle partner new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne technical installation and system configuration implementation consultants, who have not had any experience with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Installation & CNC in the past.

The current skill set for the expected attendees for this class will be implementation consultants focused on business process & application configuration. This class will not cover programming or the writing of programs, building integrations or extensions of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, or customizations using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Toolset.


Participation in this boot camp requires completion of the prerequisite class listed below, as the participants to the class need to have an initial knowledge of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne:

Track specific pre-requisites must be completed a week prior to scheduled training course.

For additional information about the boot camp and detailed agenda, click here (PDF).

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The scheduler server performs 2 disinct functions:

1. it launches all jobs at the scheduled times

2. it monitors each jobs's progress and ending state

These functions are started by a JDENET message and defined in the following kernel type in JDE.INI

Using the Scheduler Application Chapter 13

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  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
  • 密碼提示:
  • 請輸入密碼:
  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
  • 密碼提示:
  • 請輸入密碼:
  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
  • 密碼提示:
  • 請輸入密碼:

Cause:  It seems like the 'model' database determines the minimum database size. The initial size of the 'model' database was 2.94MB, and since the size of the database to be created by the package build process was smaller than the 'model' database, the error was occurred. Apply the workaround below.

Solution:  The current workaround is to shrink the model database to make the model database of a smaller size.
Install SQL Client Tools on the machine, or use any machine that has SQL Tools installed to connect to the db on that machine.
Alternatively, if you do not have SQL Client Tools installed, use command line commands as follows:

c:\>sqlcmd -E -S (local)\JDESSELocal
1> dbcc shrinkdatabase (model)
2> go

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